Saturday, March 31, 2012

MTH-095 Homework for Monday, April 2

Just realized I had not posted the homework for Monday, so here it is:

Friday, March 23, 2012

MTH-095 Practice Test #3: Multiple Choice Version

As promised, here is the multiple choice version.

MTH 095 Practice Test 3 -

The answers follow after the page break. (I advise you not to peek till you try the practice test on your own.)

MTH-075 Homework for Monday, March 26 (and beyond)

I put off collecting homework for Sections 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 on Wednesday. This is now due Monday, March 26. The assignments for these sections are given in the syllabus, as always.

We covered 5.7 and (admittedly in haste) 5.8. This homework should be done by Wednesday, March 28 (the day of the test review). Don't forget there's a test coming up!

For extra credit, you may submit the Review Assignment for Chapter 5, which is also in the syllabus. (The sample test it refers to is the one in the back of the syllabus.) This may be turned in the day of the test.

If you are unable to attend class, you should email me and ask what you're missing. You can also scan your homework and send it as a compressed image file--that counts as turning in homework. And remember, I don't give a hoot if you get the right answers on the HW: just show your work. Do your thinking on paper!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

MTH-095 Practice Test #3

Here's the practice test without multiple choice answers. It does, however, have the correct answers at the end. I'll add in multiple choice and post the updated practice test tomorrow. Just remember: if you know the correct answers when you see the multiple choice version, it won't be like the real test, so my advice is don't look at the correct answers yet.

MTH 095 Practice Test 3 Fall 2011 -

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

MTH-075 Practice Test #3 and Test Announcement

Test 3 will be in class on Monday, April 2. It will cover sections 5.1 through 5.8.

Here is Practice Test #3. We will follow it for our review on Wednesday, March 28. If you have trouble downloading it, email me and I will send you a copy.

MTH075 Practice Test 3 -

MTH-095 Test Announcement!

Test 3 will be on Wednesday, March 28. It will cover sections 5.4 through 5.7 and 6.1 through 6.3. We will review for the test on Monday, March 26. Check this blog for the practice test, which will be up here soon. We will use it for the review. Should you experience difficulty downloading the practice test, email me and I'll send you a copy.

Monday, March 19, 2012

MTH-095 Homework for Wednesday, March 21

UPDATE: I did not collect this homework on 3/21. You may turn it in on Wednesday, March 28, the day of the test.

1. Chapter 6 – 6.1: Rational Functions; Multiplying & Dividing Rationals
Assignment pp. 432-4 # 1-55 odd