Tuesday, January 24, 2012

MTH-095 Homework

Here are links to old posts with scans of the problems assigned for homework (due Monday, 1/30).
Ignore the due dates listed in those posts.

Remember to put your name and the section number (or just the chapter for the Ch. 1 and 2 review assignments) on each page, and staple the section together (unless it's only one page). Once you do the four assignments below, you should have four separate batches of homework to submit.

Also, if you are stumped by a problem (or group of similar problems), write down a list of things you do and don't understand about that kind of problem.

Chapter 1, Pg. 73,4 # 1-31 odd 

Chapter 2, Page 158,9 #1-21 odd, 33-39 odd

Section 3.1 – Graphing Linear Equations, Recommended Assignment: pp. 176-179 # 1-7 odd, # 11-43 odd

Section 3.2 – The Slope of a Line, Recommended Assignment: Pgs.192-194 # 1-67 odd

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