Thursday, October 18, 2012

MTH-130 Precalculus Practice Test 2

Here is the practice test we'll go over on Friday, October 19.

The answers are below the break:

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

HW for Diff Eq's Assigned 10/15/12

We moved on to differential operators (Section 4.5) and the annihilator method of undetermined coefficients (Section 4.6). The homework for these sections is as follows:

Section 4.5: #1, 5, 9, 11, 21-31 odd, 35, 37, 39
Section 4.6 #1-21 odd, 33, 35, 37

We didn't spend much class time on it, but in Chapter 5 covers applications of 2nd order linear DE's as solved by the methods of Chapter 4. So far, the assignment is as follows:

Section 5.1: #1, 15-18 all
Section 5.2 #1, 15-17 all
Section 5.3 #2, 3

These all cover simple harmonic motion (5.1: free undamped, 5.2: free damped, and 5.3: forced). Section 5.4 will cover other applications of linear 2nd order DE's with constant coefficients, mainly LRC circuits. There will be problems assigned from this section later.

Friday, October 12, 2012

MTH-130 Precalculus Test 2

The test I announced last week is postponed. We will have the test review on 10/19 and the test will be in the Testing Center from 10/20 to 10/26. The Chapter 2 homework will also be due on 10/26. Check back here for the practice test.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

MTH-130 Homework to Attempt by 10/12

Section 2.4: Vocab check and #5-57 odd, 69-73 odd
Section 2.5: Vocab check and #9, 15, 19-27 odd, 33 (part a), 37 (part a)
Section 2.6:  Vocab check and #5, 9-41 odd, 49, 55-59 odd