Tuesday, October 16, 2012

HW for Diff Eq's Assigned 10/15/12

We moved on to differential operators (Section 4.5) and the annihilator method of undetermined coefficients (Section 4.6). The homework for these sections is as follows:

Section 4.5: #1, 5, 9, 11, 21-31 odd, 35, 37, 39
Section 4.6 #1-21 odd, 33, 35, 37

We didn't spend much class time on it, but in Chapter 5 covers applications of 2nd order linear DE's as solved by the methods of Chapter 4. So far, the assignment is as follows:

Section 5.1: #1, 15-18 all
Section 5.2 #1, 15-17 all
Section 5.3 #2, 3

These all cover simple harmonic motion (5.1: free undamped, 5.2: free damped, and 5.3: forced). Section 5.4 will cover other applications of linear 2nd order DE's with constant coefficients, mainly LRC circuits. There will be problems assigned from this section later.

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