Friday, November 18, 2011

MTH-095 Announcements

 The final exam will be in our usual time and classroom, Tuesday, December 13, 2:00-3:50pm.

On Thursday, December 8, which is our last class, we will meet in Room 133 Laurel Hall instead of our usual classroom. This is for the Accuplacer Post-test.

The rules for the test are rather strict.
Burlington County College
Prohibited Items
College Board: Accuplacer Online

·       Calculator
·       Cellular phones/pagers, beepers, walkie-talkies, PDAs, or wireless communication devices (e.g. BlackBerry)
·       Digital watches (wrist or pocket), alarm watches, or wristwatch cameras
·       Any kind of photographic or copying device
·       Listening devices such as radios, media players with headphones, or recorders
·       Dictionaries, books, pamphlets, or reference materials
·       Papers of any kind. Scratch paper will be provided and collected by the Testing staff.
·       Mechanical pencils or any type of pen or highlighter
·       Slide rules, protractors, compasses, or rulers
·       Food, beverages, or tobacco products
·       Hats, hoods, and scarves (unless worn as a religious requirement)
 ·       Any other unauthorized testing aids

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