Wednesday, November 16, 2011

MTH-095 Practice Test #4 Answers

Here are the answers to the practice test. This version is in html, which has only limited support for math symbols. It's impossible to stack fractions, so instead of horizontal division bars, there are slashes. To avoid ambiguity I've added extra parentheses. Answer number 11 has a decimal where a mixed fraction would be more traditional.

1.  4x(4√2x)
2.  –3a3b8
3.  x / 2
4.  3
5.  3(4x3)
6.  3√(x + 2)2
7.  1/9
8.  x11/12
9.  y5/2 / x1/4
10. 13
11. (2, 4.5)
12. –√6
13. (x2 – 2)( 3√(2x))
14. 4x3(√3)
15. 3√xx√3
16. 3 - 3√3
17. 4(√21) / 7
18. 9(3√2) / 2
19. –5(4 + √7) / 3
20. (3x – 6√(xy)) / (x – 4y)
21. x = 3
22. x = 6
23. 9i
24. 14 + 5i
25. –(6/13) + (9/13)i

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