Monday, May 21, 2012

First Day Handout for MTH-075 Elementary Algebra

MTH-075 Elementary Algebra                   Instructor: Edward Bailey (
MW 05:30PM - 09:30PM, MC GUIRE AFB, Room MG 

Syllabus: Get the syllabus for this course. It is available at the bookstore for $1.80. It is also available on the website of Diane Veneziale, the course coordinator for MTH-075, at 075 Syllabus.pdf
Attendance: You are expected to attend all class meetings. Showing up late or leaving early does not count as attendance. If you miss a class, you are responsible for obtaining missed class notes and assignments. Whenever possible, please let me know ahead of time if you are going to miss a class so I can let you know what work you will need to make up.
Conduct: Students are here to learn. Any conduct that your fellow students would reasonably find distracting will be cause to remove you from the classroom. Examples of such misconduct include side conversations, texting, and sleeping. As your instructor, I am focused on the students who are actively engaged in learning. If other students are engaging in conduct that you find distracting, do not hesitate to bring it to my attention and I will deal with it promptly.
Homework: It will be assigned in class. For your reference, it will also be listed on the blog. Bring it to class with you and be prepared to discuss it. Each assignment is from the exercises at the end of the sections we are covering in that unit and will be collected on test day. Staple all the work for that assignment together in order, with your name at the top of each page and the section number at the start of each section. NOTE: If your homework isn’t stapled, it will not be accepted.
Calculators: Use of non-graphing calculators is always permitted. It must be a calculator, however, and not some other device with a calculator function, such as a cell phone.
Unit Tests: Unit Tests will be given in class. If you cannot make it to class on the day of a test, notify me by email immediately or else your score will be zero. One retest is permitted to replace one of the five unit tests, to be taken before finals week. The higher score will apply.
Final Exam: A comprehensive final exam will be given during finals week.
Office Hours: I do not have an office. However, I can meet with students on campus on Mondays and Wednesdays before 5:30 pm. Email me and I’ll try to get back to you promptly. Email is the way for you to contact me outside of class. Use your BCC email account so your email is not mistaken for spam. Check my blog for announcements (see above).
Grading Policy
Homework 4%
Final Exam 16%
Final Grades:
85% and above O (Outstanding)
70% to 84% P (Passing)
Below 70% U (Unsatisfactory)
At the instructor’s discretion, a “fudge factor” may be applied to a student’s grade. It will take the form of points added to the final percentage grade. Under no circumstances will points be taken away. The reasons for adding points to a student’s grade include attendance, class participation, coming to class prepared, and other indications of effort and positive attitude.
"X" Contracts and Incompletes: There will be no “X” contracts or incompletes.

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