Tuesday, May 1, 2012

MTH-075 Practice Final (and Final Exam announcement)

Here is the practice final. Make sure you can work as many the problems as you can on your own before the final. BTW, the final exam is at our usual meeting time and classroom on Wednesday, May 9.

We will also have an additional review session on Monday, May 7. This is during finals week but our room should be available at our usual class time. Obviously you are not required to attend, but it may be helpful to you.

If you have trouble accessing this practice final, email me at ebailey@bcc.edu and I will email you a copy.

Be advised that there are typos in this practice final, so there are no correct answers to problems 7, 18, and 32. Also, problem 24 you get a solution that won't work because of division by zero.

MTH 075 Practice Final -

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