Saturday, September 17, 2011

MTH-075 Test Announcement! (and Homework, too)

Unit Test 1 will be on Tuesday, September 27, in class. The test consists of 20 problems, only one of which is multiple choice. A sample test will be posted on this blog soon.

Homework for the remainder of Chapter 2:
(You should at least attempt every problem in Sections 2.6 and 2.7 by Tuesday 9/19.)

Section 2.6 – Solving Proportional Equations
Assignment: P. 186 # 21-32 all
Section 2.7 – Solving Linear Inequalities
Assignment: P. 199, 200 # 1-45 odd

Review with Chapter 2 Test: P. 213,14 # 1-6 all, 8,12a,15,16,20-25
And Sample Test 1

Note: Since everyone apparently has the book by now, I will no longer be posting scans of the assigned problems. If you have any requests however, I can post solutions to particular problems showing the work.

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