In order to prevent spam, this blog is set up so you must sign in to comment on a post. We all want to know whose comments we're reading. Also, if your sign-in name is something like "Bob" or "XYZ123" or "Philliesfan," that doesn't tell who you are. In that case, please identify yourself in the comment.
Don't worry about having your name on a comment that you wish you hadn't made. You can delete it.
Google Friend Connect (GFC):
If you are already logged in to an account that provides for you to create an online identity (such as Google, Yahoo, or Twitter), you should be able to join this blog by clicking "JOIN" over where it says "STUDENTS" in the right column. Once you do that, you're already signed in to post comments as long as you're logged into your account. Joining with GFC is also reversible--you can un-join later.
- BONUS #1: you can get updates automatically whenever there is something new on this blog.
- BONUS #2: you can pretty much ignore the technical stuff listed below.
- BONUS #3: you get me to notice you. In a good way.
Signing in:
Click on "Comments" at the bottom of the post and you'll see the "Post a Comment" box where you can type or paste your comment and a pick-box below labeled "Comment as:" with choices of Google, LiveJournal, WordPress, TypePad, AIM, and OpenID.
Gmail/Google users:
This is the simplest way to sign in, short of joining this blog with GFC. Also, setting up a Google account gives you a way to join this blog using GFC. You can get a gmail account, or just set up a Google account using your BCC email (you don't need Gmail to have a Google account--I have a Google account associated with my email account at BCC).
If you have Gmail and you're currently logged in, or you're logged into your Google account, then Blogger already knows this and you can just click this choice. If you aren't already logged into your Google account when you look at this blog, click on "Sign In" in the upper right corner. Then the upper right corner will show your email address (the one that goes with your Google account).
AIM Users:
Click on AIM and enter your AIM username.
You click on it and enter your OpenID URL, once you have one.
OpenID turns one of your log-ins into a master log-in at any site that uses OpenID, such as Google, Yahoo, AOL, MySpace, Flickr, Blogger, Wordpress, etc. Here's the link for OpenID. How you set up an OpenID account depends the place where you have a log-in. You should be able to get it through your account settings. I checked out this feature using a Yahoo account and it worked fine. It gave me a URL and told me that this was only for tech geeks, but as I mentioned, to use OpenID, you need to enter the URL to log in to comment.
If you have trouble posting a comment, just email me and we'll figure it out.
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