Saturday, September 17, 2011

MTH-095 Test Announcement! (and Homework, too) UPDATED

Unit Test 1 will be available in the Testing Center at Mt. Laurel and at Pemberton beginning Tuesday September 27 and ending Monday October 3.

Please note that since only one student has expressed interest in taking it at Pemberton, only one copy will be available there. The test will be multiple choice, more details to follow.

Check back soon for a post on this blog with a Unit 1 sample test, which should be good preparation for the actual test. Expect to see it by Monday evening, Sept. 19.

  • Section 3.7 Assignment: pp. 240-2 # 1-31 odd

  • Section 3.8 Assignment: pp. 249-251 # 1-31 odd

    Review of Chapter 3:

    Pages 253-265: Refer to the Chapter Highlights and work as many of the Chapter Review exercises as possible (skip problems #55-62, 93); do the following problems on the Ch. 3 Test on pp. 266-9: # 1-21 odd, #26-33 all

    For those of you who don't have the same edition of our textbook, check back soon and I'll have this post updated with scans of the relevant exercises.Done

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