Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sending Me Your Homework

You may have questions about your homework that require me to look at it.
You may just want me to see proof that you did it, to help improve the fudge factor on your grade.

Either way, you might want to scan it and send it to me as an email attachment. I will definitely look at it and get back to you.

Here's what I do with stuff I scan and put on this blog or email to you. It's actually simple and quick.
  1. scan it to an image file, usually a .bmp and usually scanned in black&white. 150dpi is good enough resolution.
  2. open the .bmp file in an image editor, usually Adobe PhotoDeluxe but there are lots of others. Simpler the better, but MS Paint is too simple.
  3. adjust the brightness and contrast, with contrast ALL the way up and turn brightness up enough to get rid of smudges and stuff showing through from the other side of the paper.
  4. if necessary, use paintbrush tool to white out any other spots, then boost contrast to 100% again.
  5. save as a .GIF (This part is important to reduce file size. Your scan was probably several megabytes, but the GIF file is probably less than 50K. Just like JPEGs are a good way to save photos, GIFs are better for line art and handwriting.)

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